Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The first trimester .... and part of the second

Here's a bit of a recap of the first and part of the second trimester with this babe. It is completely fascinating to learn about the growth of baby each week, how he or she is developing (from a little tadpole tail to developed legs and feet, vital organs form and are beginning to function, baby can make facial expressions like squinting and frowning!)I just can't get over it. It certainly makes me worship the Creator of all things. 

"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well." 
Psalm 139:13-14

Overall, I've had things pretty easy in this pregnancy. Compared to so many women, it's been a piece of cake. I am super thankful for this! I had light nausea everyday in the first trimester, but didn't throw up once. (Praise the Lord!! I have such an irrational fear of throwing up.) I was extremely tired, but was working split shift days nannying, so I was able to come home and sneak in a nap nearly everyday. The main symptom I noticed was food aversions. I usually love to cook, and love to eat vegetables and meat. Once I was pregnant, all of that changed. We were trying to eat pretty clean paleo pre-pregnancy, and that whole thing died once we were expecting. The things that sounded good to eat: peanut butter toast, popsicles, fruit, and more popsicles. Anything cold, fruity, and a little sour was awesome. I've still been LOVING lemonade! I also never liked yogurt before (and we weren't eating any dairy because we were sticking pretty close to paleo), but now I eat a chobani greek yogurt everyday. Everyday! I look forward to it. I just finished my yogurt as I typed this, in fact. :)

I think Zach has been loving the changes in our "new" diet - the poor guy missed bread. I made a simple breakfast one morning of toast with cheese and an egg on top, and he was super impressed and commented multiple times how much he loved it. Ha! 

And as promised, here is a collection of iPhone pictures of my growing belly week by week. It's sort of hilarious now to look at pictures and remember how I thought I was "showing" then. I'm sure when I'm at 40 weeks I'll look at pictures of myself now (at 18 weeks) and laugh at how big I thought I looked. I'm bracing myself for what's to come!

Five weeks
Baby size: apple seed
Six Weeks
Baby size: small pea
Seven Weeks
Baby size: blueberry
Eight Weeks
Baby size: raspberry
Nine Weeks
Baby size: green olive
Ten Weeks
Baby size: prune
Eleven Weeks
Baby size: lime
Twelve weeks
Baby size: plum
Thirteen weeks 
Baby size: peach 
Fourteen weeks
Baby size: lemon
At 14 weeks, I also felt a little flutter of movement for the first time!! I was walking up the stairs with a basket of laundry, and stopped in my tracks when I felt it. So fun! I felt it more consistently at 15 weeks, and it's increased from there.
Fifteen weeks
Baby size: navel orange 
Sixteen weeks
Baby size: avocado 
Seventeen weeks
Baby size: onion
Eighteen weeks
Baby size: sweet potato 
 We just can't wait to meet this baby. Our love for this little one continues to grow by the day, and we can't wait to find out if we have a little boy or girl joining our family. (Still 3 more weeks until that ultrasound!) We're pretty positive we have a name chosen either way. Oh, I'm just so curious to know who's in there! 

Either way, we'll be thrilled. 

We love you so much baby! 
XO, mama

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